Ask Patch Foundry: How To Layer Two Sounds

I recently had a reader ask about layering two sounds together in MainStage. Using the new NS 2.0 not only is it possible to quickly combine patches, but your performance controls are automatically mapped into the Smart Control section. Here’s how to do it: 


1. Open MainStage. Select a template.

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2. Drag in any Nashville Standard 2.0 compatible patch. 

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3. Drag in your second NS 2.0 compatible patch that you want. I’m using a pad from the Ultimate Worship Bundle collection for today’s set. 

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4. Select both of the patches you want to combine by holding shift and clicking on your patches. 

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5. Under the Patch List, choose “New Patch From Selected Patches” 

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6. Click on your Smart Control section so that a blue line appears around it. 

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7. Under the “smart controls layout”, select “Modern Black 2 Tab” 

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8. Your patches are now combined, with volume, cutoff, and more assigned automatically to your Smart Controls.

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