NS4 O-6 Synth Pack
NS4 O-6 Synth Pack
15 NSMP4 Samples (54.3 megabytes)
15 Program Files
15 Synth Presets
Program Bundle (267.8 megabytes, includes White Piano XL)
Program and Synth Preset Sound Lists for quickly referencing sample needs
Prioritized customer care
OS: 1.46 or higher
Nord’s latest factory sound bank or Patch Foundry collection/bundle
Nord Stage 4 88, 73, or Compact
Extra equipment: sustain pedal, midi expression pedal (optional)
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Introducing the O-6 Synth Pack.
The Sequential OB-6 Analog Synth*, beautifully sampled for the Nord Stage 4.
All demos are single program files, recorded in one take with no external effects.
Joining the J-6 Pack, the O-6 Synth packs a powerhouse of era-defining sounds. The impact Dave Smith and Tom Oberheim have made on analog synthesis is hard to overstate, and this collaboration between them on the Sequential OB-6* represents the best parts of both of their approaches to sound.
The Process
The O-6 Synth Pack represents the work of 6 months of tweaking and testing. Here’s what went into it:
Sold a sound system and purchased the OB-6 (these aren’t cheap! But definitely worth it)
Spent 5 months experimenting with the keyboard, programming it, and using it live and in the studio with band like Apollo LTD, Sidewalk Prophets, and more.
When I finally felt I’d found the sounds that fit what I liked the most about the instrument, I began sampling. When I finally finished, I threw out about half of the samples that were repetitive or not up to par, and really went deep on synthesizing again.
The end result is a pack that lives in two worlds: the pure analog goodness that is the OB-6, combined with the flexibility of the Nord’s sample engine.
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We are constantly updating our patches with new features and fixes, and every purchase comes with lifetime access to all updates. All updates are handled quickly using our free user profiles.
Combine patches with any NS4 pack or collection from Patch Foundry.
The O-6 Synth Pack runs great as a standalone pack (meaning you can load it in any Nord Stage 4 and instantly access the sounds), but it works great as an expansion pack for the Cover Band Collection or Worship Collection, too.
One-on-one, human being based customer service.
We will work with you to make sure you get the most out of your patches, whether that’s helping you with the install process, or answering obscure questions about specific patches.
5 New Features in Version 2.0:
1. New one-click bundle file installation.
With the new bundled installation option, it’s as easy as dragging and dropping in the bundle file to install your entire pack. It’s still possible to install the individual synth presets and programs, as well- you get to choose the way that works best for you.
2. New program and synth preset sample lists.
We now have spreadsheets listing all of the samples used in all the program and synth preset files. If you ever are missing a sample or want to just install a couple synth presets, just fire up the spreadsheet and you’ll be able to find what you need quickly.
3. New double layered program files.
All program files now include a Layer 1 and 2 option, with the first layer being more subtle and the second layer growing into a massive space. Check the videos above for more info.
4. New updated sample categories.
With the Nord Stage 4, all NSMP4 files need to be in the correct category in the sample library. To do this, we recreated all of the root sample files again, re-exporting them in the correct category.
5. New install guides.
We’ve completely re-written all of our installation guides to make it quick and clear how to install your files. It’s faster and simpler than ever to install your packs.
Bundle Up and Save a Bundle.
If you want to seriously up your patch game for your Nord Stage 4, the O-6 Synth Pack is included in both the NS4 Packs Bundle and the NS4 Everything Bundle. Save up to 50% for a limited time.
Easy to install.
If you’re more a visual person, we’ve created a brand new NS4 packs-specific installation video for you. It’s easy and fast to get started:
*Nord Keyboards does not endorse or condone any products from Patch Foundry, and does not offer technical support on any products available on this website. Any brands mentioned do not imply endorsement. All samples included in this pack from Nord are the respective property of Nord, and Patch Foundry simply acts as an aggregator.
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